I traveled via Bolt Bus from Seattle to arrive Portland and meet up with the Primordial Soul Sisters, the lovely sirens whom I met at SInging Alive in Oregon. I enjoyed getting to know Portland via bike ride and park visiting. Arriving at The Happy Clam, we were greeted by a lovely group of porch people and the warm welcome of Albert. The concert began with the Primordial Soul Sisters, singing their songs of heart and earth justice. The room quickly filled with eager ears and singing voices, to accompany the siren songs. I love the simplicity of the Primordial Soul Sister’s songs which by nature, invite people to join in and sing together with ease. I finished the set with a lovely mix of Appalachian Songs and new originals. The Clam easily held 40 people, eager to support the folk music. I love the intimacy of house concerts, and how they enable performers and audience to feel at home, and shoeless. Perhaps this setting allows for people to be more comfortable, and in turn more open to singing along.
I just barely made the Am-Trak train, to make an all night journey to San Francisco.
The Am Trak proved to be a folky adventure. More on that later !